York MRI Facility Health and Safety Plan
The York MRI Facility is currently preparing to resume scanning human research participants. All researchers must have current ethics approval for their studies, which must include an approved Health & Safety Plan (HSP). We now have an approved general HSP for the MRI Facility, which all current and prospective facility users can append to their own applications, if the research involves MRI with human participants. The approved York MRI Facility HSP can be found here [PDF].
COVID-19 Screening
All researchers must familiarize themselves with York’s COVID-19 Protocol for Self Disclosure, Screening and Incident Management, which can be accessed at the following link: Screening and Incident Management [PDF].
Please note that prior to coming to the MRI Facility, all researchers and participants MUST complete the COVID-19 screening questionnaire on YU-Screen and have received a ‘cleared’ status before every visit. The YU-Screen website can be found here: https://yorku.ubixhealth.com/
For inquiries, please contact Diana Gorbet at gorbetd@yorku.ca.